⁄book bundles

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25 fps ⁄ 2015—2021 ⁄bundle⁄

7 book + 3 tote bag bundle ⁄ 25 FPS Festival screens independent and non—commercial films which innovatively explore the possibilities of cinematic language.

25 fps ⁄ 2012—2014 ⁄bundle⁄

3 book + 2 tote bag bundle ⁄ 25 FPS Festival screens independent and non—commercial films which innovatively explore the possibilities of cinematic language.

Touch Me ⁄bundle⁄

6 book bundle ⁄ touch me festival deals with interconnections between art and science through themes that inspire contemporary artists and scientists in the field of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics.

Extravagant Bodies ⁄bundle⁄

7 book bundle ⁄ extravagant bodies ⁄ international art festival that deals with social demarcations of normal and pathological, be they concerned with corporeality, appearance, behavior, sexuality or life style.

Device_art ⁄bundle⁄

7 book bundle ⁄ device_art is an international festival dealing with technological devices, machines and robotics in contemporary art.
