⁄extravagant bodies collection
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publication is comprised of theoretical texts and a catalogue of the central exhibition, along with performances that were a part of the Extravagant love festival programme in Zagreb and Korčula.

Crime and Punishment takes as its topic the social, legislative, scientific and ideological constructions of criminality and social norms that delineate criminal from non-criminal behavior.

Accompanying publication on the topic of old age. It comprises of three volumes ⁄ the reader, the international exhibition catalogue, and the workshops catalogue.

Accompanying publication presents contemporary international artists and essays on the topic of mental health — mental illnesses and disorders, and intellectual disabilities.

Publication on the topic of disability includes exhibition and performances catalogue and essays of contemporary discussions about the topic.

7 book bundle ⁄ extravagant bodies ⁄ international art festival that deals with social demarcations of normal and pathological, be they concerned with corporeality, appearance, behavior, sexuality or life style.
⁄extravagant bodies collection
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