⁄illustrated books
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Reimagines the conventional cookbook format by providing written instructions on crafting something unique. Rather than traditional ingredients, the recipes utilize discarded items, objects, or phenomena typically unrelated to cooking.

Reimagines the conventional cookbook format by providing written instructions on crafting something unique. Rather than traditional ingredients, the recipes utilize discarded items, objects, or phenomena typically unrelated to cooking.

Two creatives, who had never met before, with different drawing styles but similar sensibilities, exchanged their thoughts and ideas, responding with drawings that demonstrate how others' words become shared images.

As Marisol the seal enters the department store "Nama", her presence and ability to speak human language leave everyone in shock, except for one boy.

Tepih na ražnju is based on the play of the same name by Jasna Jasna Žmak awarded second prize at the Mali Marulić 2018 competition.

Siamese cat Milica, outsider among domestic cats in a sizzling Mediterranean city, raised on detective film noirs, decides to open a detective agency specialized in helping big birds in distress.

Siamese cat Milica, outsider among domestic cats in a sizzling Mediterranean city, raised on detective film noirs, decides to open a detective agency specialized in helping big birds in distress.

The Household Spirits , the picture book for children and adults, is a collection of little, witty stories about small, invisible creatures that live in houses.

The Story of Emancipation. A brave, curious girl is daring to step into everyday's adventures in spite of her mother's funny and exaggerated protective warnings.

in this illustrated book, a group of illiterate forest animals discovers the power of written word and freedom of knowledge.

in this illustrated book, a group of illiterate forest animals discovers the power of written word and freedom of knowledge.

Legends have been told and lived among the people since time immemorial. One of such legends, told by grandmother ⁄nona⁄ Lojza, has been preserved to this day.

The story advocates empathy, solidarity and friendship. The charm of the story lies in it’s traditional narrative elements and in the simplicity of it’s ethical message.

Characters from history and contemporary culture meet in this fantastic short novel. The story is set in a small town, where unusual events start to happen.
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